Bringing together plastic surgery, maxillofacial surgery and aesthetic medicine, providing an invaluable forum for sharing ideas and information between these varied yet closely linked specialist fields

Runny nose after nonsurgical rhinoplasty – review of cases

Hyaluronic acid filler injections have become a popular procedure worldwide; according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) from 2019 to 2022 filler procedures have increased by 70% [1]. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is becoming a popular procedure because of the...

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Revolutionising paediatric burn scar management: Unleashing the potential of stromal vascular fraction

Burn injuries often result in challenging scars that impact the aesthetic appearance and also pose functional and psychological concerns for the affected individuals. Traditional approaches to treating burn scars have primarily relied on skin grafts, requiring donor sites and often...

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Hormones, ageing and skinspan

Skinspan refers to the years of life during which skin remains healthy, youthful and attractive and is influenced by genetic, metabolic and lifestyle factors. While ultraviolet (UV) exposure is a potent environmental driver of skin ageing, our hormones play a...

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PhilArt next for 35-year-old knee scar

In our dynamic field, staying ahead means embracing innovation, and understanding the evolving preferences of both practitioners and patients; recognising the trends that shape our industry. The biostimulator injections’ market has rapidly risen to prominence, ranking among the top three...

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